Singing Guide: The Hemphills

Singing Guide: The Hemphills

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Hemphills are a gospel group that dominated the music scene for over four decades. Their vocal technique is unique in that they blend bluegrass harmonies and a country-style tenor and soprano, creating their unique sound that is unmatched in the industry.

If you are looking to improve your singing skills and sound like the Hemphills, there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind. Firstly, you must have a good understanding of your vocal range and the voice type that you possess. You can take the vocal range test on Singing Carrots to determine which range you fall into. This knowledge will help you to learn which types of songs and harmonies you are best suited for and help you acutely develop your vocal technique.

Breathing is a significant aspect of singing, and it is essential to pay close attention to it. You can read about the basics of breathing for singers on Singing Carrots. The Hemphills are notable for their breath support, which you can practice by playing the `Farinelli Breathing` exercise. Once you have your breathing under control, you can focus on opening your mouth and throat, a skill that is fundamental to classical singing. Singing Carrots has an article that details this technique.

The Hemphills frequently used various voice registers in their music, including the chest voice, mixed voice, and head voice, and you should aim to learn how to use each one effectively. Singing Carrots has videos that focus on each register. You can learn about the chest voice in the `Chest Voice Explained` video and how to transition between registers in the `Voice Break` video. Additionally, there are specific exercises for voice techniques like Twang, Growling, Vibrato, and Sustain. The improved vocal technique helps control the pitch accuracy of your singing, and you can assess your voice by taking the pitch accuracy test on Singing Carrots.

The Hemphills had a unique style of articulation with their songs. They emphasized enunciation clarity and conveyed their emotions well. You can learn several methods of effective communication and expression in the musical style you are aiming for on Singing Carrots.

Finally, Singing Carrots has a course on singing theory and practical tips that you can use to improve your singing skills. Through their course, you can develop a better understanding of various singing styles like pop, jazz, and classical singing, which will further enhance your skills as a singer. Practical advice is included in the course on how to overcome stage fright, find your own authentic voice, and maintain vocal health.

By studying the singing techniques of the Hemphills, utilizing the numerous resources available through Singing Carrots, and practicing your technique regularly, you can start to build a base to help you sing like these gospel legends in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.